Corporate Carbon Footprint
Insight in your GHG footprint
Climate change is an issue which business can ill afford to ignore. An increasing number of countries, regions are taking steps limiting GHG emissions (eg. mandatory emissions trading programs, voluntary programs, carbon or energy taxes). Global greenhouse gas emissions need to reach net-zero around mid-century to limit global warming to 1.5 °C. This decarbonization challenge has, increased the political and societal pressure on companies to disclose their carbon footprints. As a response, numerous companies announced roadmaps to become carbon neutral.
Investors are becoming more vocal about their expectations on environmental, social and governance (ESG).
In maintaining a competitive position companies must be able to understand and manage their carbon footprint. Managing GHG risks and identifying reductions opportunities might be:
Identifying risks associated with GHG constraints in the future
Identifying cost effective reduction opportunities
Setting GHG targets, measuring and reporting progress
Decarbonisation and net-zero transition
The economic transformation required to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 will be massive in scale and complex in execution. It will require businesses to start decarbonizing processing and products, replacing high emission products and processes with low emission ones. Rethink of supply chain, support services and infrastructure.
Whether operating local or internationally CCI can help you in determining your corporate carbon footprint in accordance with internationally recognised standards (WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol, ISO 14064, IPEICA, CCAR, Bilan Carbone, ...).
How to start?
First step is to gain thorough insight the operations and activities in order to quantify the current level of emissions accurately. The GHG Protocol distinguishes three categories of emissions: scope 1 refers to direct emissions from a company’s own activities, scope 2 refers to emissions from the production of purchased energy, and scope 3 refers to emissions from up- and downstream activities along the value chain.
Based upon the information and baseline data, carbon reduction targets (ideally science-based) can be determined which form the basis for the development of decarbonisation and offsetting plans, updated when conditions change. Incorporate energy efficiency improvements and correct investments by integration of climate factors in business decisions
Our Services:
We can help you on your journey towards understanding your footprint, potential and path towards net-zero.