F-Gas Regulation



Fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) include hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), as well as fluorinated ethers and alcohols. These gases are potent greenhouse gases, often several thousand times stronger than carbon dioxide (CO2).

In the European Union, the production and use of F-gases are regulated under Regulation (EU) No 517/2014. However, this regulation was adopted before the EU ratified the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, which aims to reduce HFC use by 80-85% by the late 2040s, and the European Green Deal, which seeks to make the EU climate neutral by 2050. Therefore, a revision of the 2014 Regulation was necessary to align with these new obligations. 

On 7 February 2024, Regulation (EU) 2024/573 was adopted as the updated EU legislative framework. This new regulation will come into force on 11 March 2024, replacing Regulation (EU) No 517/2014.

Key Objectives of the Regulation

  • Reducing F-Gas Emissions: To achieve a substantial reduction in F-gas emissions across the EU, with a target to cut emissions by at least 70% by 2030.

  • Transitioning to Alternatives: Promoting the transition to low-global warming potential (GWP) alternatives for F-gases in refrigeration, cooling, and heating applications.

  • Improving Equipment Efficiency: Supporting energy efficiency improvements in equipment that uses F-gases.

Main Provisions

  • Phase-Down of HFCs: A gradual reduction in the amount of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) allowed on the EU market, with specific targets set for each phase until 2030.

  • Restrictions on New Equipment: Introducing bans on F-gas use in new equipment where alternatives are available, such as certain types of refrigerators, air conditioners, and insulation materials.

  • Leak Detection and Maintenance: Mandatory leak checks, maintenance, and repair protocols for equipment containing F-gases, with specific requirements based on the type and amount of F-gas used.

  • Reporting and Monitoring Requirements: Obligating manufacturers, importers, exporters, and end-users to report on the use, emissions, and management of F-gases, with set thresholds and deadlines to ensure compliance

Bulk Importers:

  • Quota System: Bulk importers of F-gases, including hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), must have sufficient quota allocated through the F-gas Portal before importing.

  • Customs Declarations: They need to provide detailed information in customs declarations, including the quantity in metric tonnes and CO₂ equivalent.

  • Reporting: All quantities of HFCs must be reported, with no minimum threshold.

Importers of Prefilled Equipment:

  • Quota System: Importers of equipment prefilled with F-gases must ensure that the gases were placed on the EU market under a valid quota.

  • Authorisation: They may need to obtain authorisation from a quota holder if the equipment contains HFCs.

  • Reporting: Similar to bulk importers, they must report the quantities of F-gases in the equipment.


Both bulk importers and importers of prefilled equipment must submit an independent verification report if their activities involve placing 1000 tonnes CO₂ equivalent or more of HFCs on the market. The verification report must be uploaded through the F-gas Portal by April 30 of the following year.